Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day/ Mamma's Birthday

Yesterday was Valentine's day and my birthday. I turned 31. Yuck. It was great to have Olivia home to celebrate with us though. I was off work (which has rarely happened since I was 15) and she and I spent the day at home together just relaxing. Olivia was very lovey yesterday and in a decent mood so it was nice. We watched Cinderella which I haven't seen in years. Then, last night my mom and dad came over and once Ken got off work we went to Stoll's for dinner. Olivia loves her grandparents and they spent the whole time cracking each other up. They brought her a Dora Valentine's card that sings a backpack song (which I think I've heard atleast 200 times now). The song caused her to create a new dance move. Olivia dances better that most adults I've seen and she'll dance to anything. It's hilarious! Olivia adores her Papaw who she doesn't get to see very often and I've never seen him smile as much as he does around her. They crack me up together.
Olivia is finally starting to say "gwama" once in a while. She also says "bird" and knows one when she sees one whether it be a robin, our cockatoo or a rooster. She is nodding yes now instead of always shaking her head no. She's also saying "eww" and "nose" and "snack".
Today we are mostly hanging out at home again. Right now we're watching Sleeping Beauty." She's getting excited about the horse the prince rides. So far she shares our love of horses. Rachel insists Olivia will be an English rider like she is.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Great Strides

Olivia has made some great strides in the last week or so. Maybe not everyone would think so, but I was impressed! Last week I heard a noise behind me and found Olivia climbing into her walker. She had her cup in the cup holder already and pulled herself up into the walker. Then, she kicked back and drank her milk while watching TV.
We had her 15 month doctors appointment Thursday. She screamed and cried through most of it which I thought was kind of unusual for her. She didn't want them touching her and she certainly didn't want to lay on the table. She had 3 shots at the end. Of course she screamed her head off during those. Mommy had a headache afterwards from being so close to her mouth during the whole thing. Olivia is up to 19 pounds now and just under 29 inches tall. She will be 16 months on the 9th (in two days), but is still in 12 month clothes.
Also last week she was running around playing. She stopped and started saying "poop" over and over. I said, "What, did you poop?" And she said "yea". I'm thinking 'no way.' So, I checked and sure enough, she had pooped! I think I've told everyone that story - only those with little ones have seemed impressed. At the doctor's appt. they asked me if she tells me when she's peed yet. I'm thinking, I don't know of any 15 month olds telling their parents when they've peed. Maybe it's just me.
Olivia is saying about a dozen words on a regular bases now. Mamma, Daddy, Mamie (Macie), No No, Dog, Bath, Drink, Bye-Bye, Milk, Poop, Toot, Baby . . .
She can point out all of her body parts too.
There are still lots and lots of fits. She is very strong willed and very brave! She is now climbing on everything and standing on everything. We have to be on top of her at all times.
If I tell her it's time for her bath, she runs into the bathroom to the tub and tries to climb in. If I tell her it's time for bed she throws a fit. If I say "let's put your socks on" she puts her feet up for me.
Olivia amazes us everyday by all of the new things she's learned.
Here are some pictures I just took. Olivia is in a Valentine's outfit from Misty and Lyza (thanks guys!).