Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Car/Baby Wash

Well, Rachel won't get a summer job this year, so I am having Olivia hit the working world:

Friday, June 5, 2009

Name Game

Olivia has really gotten good about naming people and things. From the time she wakes up until she goes to sleep at night she's naming. She runs down the list first thing in the morning: Momma, Daddy, Sissy, Macie, Bubby. She can name most of the Sesame Street characters when she sees them: Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster (although she either calls him Cookie or Monkey), Abby, Zoe, Ernie, Grover. She names Mamaw and Papaw, Ginger and Kya, Michele (Chel). She calls both Aunt Joyce and Uncle Andrew "Joyce". She knows Dora, Map, and Boots. She knows all kinds of animals and is working on what they "say". Her favorites are Monkeys, Ducks, Birds, Kittys and Dogs.
I had a set of flash cards I got a few months ago that I just recently got out. They have colors and simple objects on them. I was amazed that she already knew quite a few of them and the ones she didn't know she remembers after me telling her what they were just a time or two. She's so smart!
I bought a cheap two ring pool at Dollar General today and filled it up in the front yard. It was her first time in a "pool". She didn't hesitate to go right up and get in. She liked splashing around in it, but refused to sit down or get her hair wet. Here are some pics from today: