Thursday, July 3, 2008

Unbelievable News!!!

I just found out that Olivia's new birth certificate is complete! It was expected to not be done for a few more weeks, but I saw it - it has our names on it and everything! Our cordinator said she expects to hear about Olivia's passport next week. Looks like we will be traveling this month!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have so much to do, I'm kind of freaking out. Paperwork, her room, baby showers, travel arrangements, clean the house, Rachel's birthday, work, etc., etc. . . .


Pam L said...

Wonderful news! Don't you just love surprises? I'll be watching for your PINK post!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jamie & Ken. It has been a long time in coming for the journey you've all been on. Now, you can begin your life together as a family. Many blessings for safe travel to and from. Jennifer & Kal